For the past few months I have been blogging my monthly goals on the 1st of each month. In this time, I have learned that I reach more goals when I set them monthly rather than yearly. I still believe in long term goals and I still make list for them. I have a list for BIG goals, but I also have monthly goals to keep me moving in the right direction.
Here is a little recap of my 2010 monthly goals.
In September I got fit.
In October I owned it.
In November I got rest.
In December I got organized.
This months goals has a lot to do with my BIG goals that I don't ever blog about or even talk about. The reason I don't talk/blog about my big goals is because I never end up doing them. I know that most people will follow through with goals that they say out loud, but I am the opposite. If I say them... I will never do them.
Welcome 2011! I am ready to kick this new year off right!
1. Start a savings account: You would think that I would have a savings account already... I don't. My savings account is a locked box that I keep somewhere safe (can't tell you where.)
2. Make a budget: I make budgets all the time and I never seem to stick to them. For me to reach some of my REALLY BIG goals, I need to stick to this budget or they can't happen.
3. Plan out the year: I already have a few trips planned for 2011, but I need to sit down a figure some other trips out. Like a road trip to see my lovely friend in Oregon.
4. Get back to the gym: This is something that is really hard for me to keep going because I am so lazy. I need to start training for something really special in June 2011.
What are some of your goals for this month?
Great goals :) This month I plan on following through with my exercise plan. I tend to start and then take a break. I want to start and keep going this time. I'm going to challenge myself one month at a time. Four weeks from now-I'll challenge myself to do another month and so on. Good luck!
Posted by: Mindi | January 01, 2011 at 07:06 AM
Awesome goals! I think I'm just gonna use this month to get organized. I probably should have done that in December, but I forgot. Hah. ;)
Posted by: Kinsey | January 01, 2011 at 11:19 AM
I love your goals & I bet 2011 is going to be such a great year. Money is key this year & I'm SO getting rid of my school debt. Ah! It WILL happen. I hope it all goes well for you too love!
Posted by: CaL | January 03, 2011 at 01:20 PM