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« Daily Outfit// Viv... you so silly | Main | Thank you from the bottom of my heart »

July 12, 2011



I'm so sorry for your lost u.u If I loose my best friend, I would go crazy.

Be strong, alright?


I am so sorry for you loss. My heart goes out to you and I will keep you in my thoughts.

Miss Lou

Im sorry to see these cute post that carries such a sad new, I know you don't wanna hear how everything will be ok and that you'll look back with a smile instead of a tear but you will. I've lost 3 friends over the past 9 yrs and I know how bad it can hurt and I know how hard it is to deal with it. I just hope you can take it as a inspiring tool and dedicate her the best future moments of your life. A warm hug in such times!


this is so terrible - i'm so sorry... My prayers are with you..

Quiet Violet

<3 x 1,000


my heart breaks for your loss. hold on to all of your memories, remember all the secrets and stories you two shared, and all of the laughing. It will take a long time, but some day those good memories will overshadow what you feel now and will carry you through.


I love you Vivs & I hope that you are okay. Lu was such a cute, funny, cool girl & she had an amazing friend in you. I'm so glad I was able to meet her & I hope that you get through this with love & strength. I don't know... it's just surreal. You're an amazing friend Vivs & remembering the laughs is always the best idea. She is still with you. <3


Love you vivs and I'm so sorry for your loss. Just remember the good times you had with her and know that she will forever be with you. Call me if you need ANYTHING! <3

oh shoot

Thank you. This is so hard, but I know she would want me to be strong.

oh shoot

Thank you. It means so much to me.

oh shoot

Thank you so much. Your words really help and I know that in time it will get better. I have never felt such pain. xoxo

oh shoot

Thank you.

oh shoot

Thank you. I needed this :)

oh shoot

I was talking with a friend last night and all I did was talk about the good times Lu and I had. it really helped me and it made me smile. My heart hurts and I know that in time it will get better.

Thank you so much for your words.

oh shoot

I love you. Thank you for always being there for me.

oh shoot

I am trying to only think about the good times because if I don't I start to cry. I love you.

amy lapi

i'm sorry that you lost your friend. :(

it is so hard. my friend died in a car accident on sunday morning and i'm not even sure how to process it yet. also, there is nothing anyone can do to change it or make it better and that makes me mad. i just want everyone to know what a wonderful person he was. i loved hearing about your friend lauren and if you ever want to talk about her to someone, please know i'm here. :)

Kinsey French

I am so, so sorry for your loss! I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong. <3 {{hugs}}


I'm sorry about your friend. I am moving to New York too so you'll be in my thoughts and prayers ;0)


Oh, Vivianna. I am so sorry for your loss. I know that it hurts in all ways possible right now. I also know that it won't stop hurting, no matter the amount of time that goes by. I love you girl. I will be praying for you.

Haley Tyson

This is absolutely beautiful, Vivs. I can tell you had such a unique friendship.
I know this is in a completely different game than what you're dealing with, but my best friend just found out that she has 3 brain tumors & they aren't operating for another month. It's scary... beyond scary, so I can only imagine what you are going through.
Just know that my thoughts & prayers are with you. And you have a ton of friends that love you and are here to support you. You are so loved.


I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you're feeling right now, but just know you're in my thoughts. <3

oh shoot

oh love! I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Lauren died on Sunday night, but I did not find out about it until Tuesday. I wake up in the morning thinking that this was all a dream, but its not. I went to call her at lunch yesterday and then it hit me-- I cant call her anymore. I am hear if you need to talk. We can go through it together.
you are in my thoughts. xoxo

oh shoot

thank you so much.

oh shoot

Thank you so much. Let me know when you get to NYC.

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