This weekend was everything that I love about weekends.
- Coffee dates
- Bike Rides
- Long Walks
- Friends
- Dark chocolate cover pretzels
- Beach time
- Card games
- Planning for the next week
- Knitting
- park time
Biking over to the park so Wolfgang can run around and play with other kids. I really enjoy going on family bikes rides. We get fresh air (which I crave) and our view is the most beautiful of the ocean. When it is sunny on the Island the people are out and being active.
Drinking coffee from our favorite coffee shop by our house. It would be nice if we could ride our bikes there, but it is a little far and we have to leave the Island to get there.
Walking my 10,000 steps a day. I went on a 3.6 mile walk with one of my girlfriends on Sunday. Today, I started the Fitbit Weekday hustle challenge with a friend (Erin...Bring it!)
Taking the kids to the beach (our backyard) to discover sea glass (Ruby) and discovering sand (Wolfgang) for the first time. He has been to the beach, but never walked in the sand because the last time we went to the beach was in the summer and he was not walking yet.
Watching Sunday football with a group of friends. I also watch The Beauty Shop (shh... I liked it).
Cooking the best hamburgers on the grill.
Doing yoga on friday night really helped me to sleep. I am going to try and bring yoga into my everyday.
Playing two rounds of Cards Against Humanity.
Loving a clean home and clean kid. That is a win win!
Things Wolfgang discovered over the weekend:
- Sand on the beach
- Pickles
- wave bye bye