This year I want to keep it simple. I don't want a long list of goals that I'll have to feel bad about at the end of the year if don't accomplish them all. I want goals that will lift me up and make me feel good at the end of the day.
My (simple) goals for 2015:
Live Healthy: I want to be more active and only eat things that will nourish my body. I am tired of feeling "blah" and unmotivated to do things.
Love Wholeheartedly: Just what it says -- "Love Wholeheartedly" -- myself and everything around me.
Create Daily: I felt like my creativeness died last year and I want to get it back. I want to make sure that I am being creative everyday in some small form. I have always been a creative person and I need this in my life.
Shake Things Up: I want to do stuff that I would not normally do. I want to shake things up even if it means singing in the shower as loud as I can. Ha!
Cheers to reaching your goals in 2015!